Graphic Design
In January 2019 I was asked to create an internal identity for the formation of the new ‘Shop Trade’ function within Waitrose.
The Shop Trade function represented the coming together of all types of branches under one management structure (core, convenience, Shell PFS and Welcome Break services). As such the Director of Shop Trade wanted me to create a new logo that represented this harmony. It was to be instantly recognisable, simple and on-brand (same colour palette, typeface and similar styling to other corporate logos).
My design solution revolved around creating three separate elements, representing the different types of retail operation, and uniting them with the Partners (Waitrose’s title for its employees). The simplest and most recognisable way of doing this was by creating an iconographic representation of a convenience store, superstore and of a delivery van. These are brought together behind four partners, representing shop floor and managerial Partners.
The completed logo is accompanied by the Waitrose logo, the ‘Shop Trade’ name and a tagline of ‘Working Together’. After much thought and investigation, ‘Working Together’ was chosen as it clearly explained to Partners of all levels the purpose of the Shop Trade division.
To allow the completed design to be used in different locations, four colour variations were created along with non-text alternatives. Print and digital versions were supplied to ensure best colour representation. Identity guidelines were also produced to aid with the reproduction of the logo.
Alongside the logo, a signature strip for emails, poster template, Google Slides template and internal social media header were also created.
The branding was updated in September 2018 following the rebranding of Waitrose to Waitrose & Partners. This involved changing the typeface, corporate logo and features of the icons.
- Concept design
- Client negotiation and preparation of several design variations
- Final design (preparation of vector files and digital variations)
- Creation of ‘identity guidelines’
- Time management
Software used:
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign
- Google Slides